ADA Transition Plan


The U.S. Department of Justice updated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) relating specifically to the accessibility of state and local government programs and services in 2010-2011. To reflect these changes, as well as the accessibility improvements that have been made to City facilities and infrastructure, the City of Federal Way updated its ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.

According to the ADA, local governments must develop a transition plan describing how it will ensure its facilities, services, programs and activities are accessible. The transition plan:

  • Identifies physical barriers that limit the accessibility of its programs or activities to individuals with disabilities.
  • Describes the methods that will be used to remove the barriers.
  • Provides an estimated schedule for taking the steps necessary to achieve compliance.
  • Identifies the city official responsible for implementation and provides information on how to file a grievance or complaint.

The City of Federal Way developed  five stages in order to have manageable amounts of work to complete and analyze. The order of the stages were determined to address the area that serve the greatest number of people and that support access to mass transit. Stages are the following:

  1. Stage 1-City Center
  2. Stage 2-Arterial Streets
  3. Stage 3-City Properties (under ADAAG)
  4. Stage4-Collector Streets
  5. Stage5-Local Streets

City of Federal Way is currently created a β€œADA Transition Plan –Stage1 for City Center” to reflect changes to its properties and programs, and posting the plan for review and comments. This ADA Transition Plan is the first published by City of Federal Way. It should be considered a first step of a larger process. The ADA Transition  Plan is available for public review and comments. The hard copy will be available in the lobby of City Hall, 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003-6325, which is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please submit comments to Soma Chattopadhyay, Traffic Operation Engineer, at  or in person at City Hall.

Documents : Americans With Disabilities ACT Transition Plan (Stages 1 - 3) Rev Sept 2020

Alternate Formats 

The ADA Transition Plan is available in alternate formats, such as Braille, audio recordings, and translation in Korean and Spanish languages at no charge. To request an alternate format, please contact Soma Chattopadhyay, Traffic Operation Engineer, at or via phone at (253) 835-2748. 

Spanish Translation:

Resumen del Proyecto del Plan de TransiciΓ³n de la ADA

Korean Translation:

ADA 이행 κ³„νš μ΄ˆμ•ˆ μš”μ•½