*This page contains general storm information. Event specific information will be updated during the course of an event.
Winter Storm Information:
- Current Roadway Images
- Winter Storm Information & Roadway Impacts
- Snow Plow Map
- Public Works Service Request (via Eyes on Federal Way)
- Garbage Collection Updates
- Phone Numbers:
- Office: (253) 835-2700
- After Hours Emergency: (800) 400-0749
Current Roadway Images (Updated every 10 minutes):
S 273rd St & Pacific Highway: |
S 288th St & Pacific Highway: |
S 320th St & Pacific Highway: |
S 320th St & 1st Ave S: |
S 336th St/Campus Dr & 21st Ave SW: |
S 348th St & 16th Ave S: |
S 356th St & Pacific Highway: |
S 356th St & 21st Ave SW: |
S 340th St & Hoyt Rd: |
Winter Storm Information & Roadway Impacts:
General Information
City crews perform ice prevention/remediation and snow removal on all public roadways. Priority is given to major arterials (See Snow Removal Map below) where there is the highest traffic volumes.
Events over multiple days of accummulation and/or below freezing temperatures may require crews to continuously treat the major roadways. As resources allow, and once the arterials are passable, plowing and de-icing may be completed in residential areas, prioritizing neighborhood collector roads and hills. Roadways in residential areas may not be treated to a bare and wet level of service.
Ice Control / Brine Hot spot Map
Residents can request a plow or de-icing for their street by submitting a Public Works Service Request (via Eyes on Federal Way).
As snow arrives, please help us keep the roads clear! We ask that motorists do not park or abandon their vehicles within any portion of the traffic lanes. Parked and abandoned vehicles impair snow and ice removal, impact response of emergency vehicles, and are subject to towing by the Police Department.
Snow fighting equipment has reduced visibility and we ask that if you see our trucks on the road you give them extra room to safely operate.
Sidewalks – Property Owners are Responsible
Adjacent property owners are responsible for clearing adjacent sidewalks.
Sidewalk Clearing Responsibilities
건물주들은 보도에 있는 눈과 얼음을 치워야 할 책임이 있습니다.
Владельцы имущества обязуются очищать тротуары от снега и льда.
Los propietarios tienen la responsabilidad de mantener las aceras libres de nieve o hielo.
Chủ sở hữu bất động sản có trách nhiệm giữ cho vỉa hè không có băng tuyết.
For more information regarding sidewalk maintenance, click here.
Garbage & Recycling Collection Updates:
Should there be a delay in service caused by weather, WM will collect up to double your garbage, recycling and yard waste missed during this delay at no extra charge. Commercial and multi-family customers will be serviced today, but on a delayed schedule.
Check WM’s Service Alert webpage for updates: https://servicealerts.wmnorthwest.com/federalway/
Waste Management publishes Service Alerts that affect Federal Way's garbage, recycling and yard waste collection. Please check their webpage for the most updated information.
Weather-Related Service Alert FAQsTips for Setting Out Extra Material