
The Public Works Development Services Division is dedicated to ensuring that development within the City of Federal Way meets current city codes and development standards. The division works to accomplish this goal by being involved in all types and phases of development within the City, providing technical project review, project permitting, and construction inspection.


Our goal is to work closely with developers, contractors, and property owners to provide a thorough, accurate, and timely review of their projects and to offer guidance when needed to help bring projects to fruition.

Development Standards (Revised May 2024)

Pavement Restoration Requirements

City Addendum to 2021 KCSWDM

2021 King County Surface Water Design Manual

Flow Control Application Map

Water Quality Application Map

Temporary Traffic Control at Intersections Policy

WADOE Construction Stormwater General Permit NOI

WADOE Industrial Stormwater General Permit NOI

Right of Way Permits

Right of way permit issuance and construction inspections for any work performed by residents, utilities and contractors within the public rights of way (must be licensed and bonded)

Street Vacations

Street vacations of unused rights of way 

Vacation Policies 

Vacation Checklist 

Franchise Utilities

Development Services Division oversees the use of the rights-of-way by utility providers through Franchise Agreements and right-of-way permits. 

The following application(s) have been determined by staff to be complete and a franchise agreement is being developed:

ExteNet Systems, LLC Small Wireless Franchise Application

ExteNet Systems Contact Information for this Franchise Application is as follows:

Rachel Fenton


New Development Guidelines

The following are development guideline updates that go into immediate effect in between formal Development Guideline revisions.

Type 1L Concrete Policy


Public Works Variance Form 2023